Fall is here, and you know what that means-pumpkin everything! Get in on that craze and add a little pumpkin to your soap.
Marketing Your Business: The Instagram Edition
Marketing using social media is a great way to reach thousands of people you will likely never meet in person.
Wholesale: Common Terms and Definitions
Once you’ve established your business and have been actively selling at fairs, markets and shows, you will really start reaping the rewards of your hard work!
Master Batching for Beginners
Going from hobby to business is exciting, challenging and intimidating for
some soapmakers. Time is split between formulating, implementing that formulation and finding ways to sell;
5 Tips to Help You Prepare for a Craft Show
As the holiday season approaches, we are now getting ready to enter…craft show season
Marketing Your Business: The Facebook Edition
Love it or hate it, social media is one of the biggest platforms that small
business owners have to advertise their business.
Growing Your Business: 5 Ways to Connect With Your Customer
Digital life is an incredible thing. With social media, Handcrafters are able to reach more customers than ever before.
Common Scents: Citronella
Welcome to our series, Common Scents! Common Scents is a series of articles exploring the history of commonly used essential oils and how they became popular in modern day soap and cosmetic crafting.
Let’s Make a Coffee Bar!
If you’re like about 50% of the HSCG Staff, you need at least one cup of
coffee per day to function!
How to Know if You’re Being Scammed
It seems like everyone is trying to make a quick buck these days.