Did you attend this year’s HSCG conference in Tucson? You may have caught some of the media coverage (including a live spot on KOLD and coverage in the Arizona Daily Star), but, as usual, attendees were hard at work sharing live updates from conference.
There’s no substitute for being at a conference, but get a feel for some of the content and see the experience through attendee (and volunteer) eyes, with posts from the folks behind Tiki Bar Soap, Baby Duck Soap Company, Nature’s Garden (post 2), The Nova Studio, Avital’s Apiaries (post 2), Adventures in La-La Land (post 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), Burly Stone Soap Company, Horsing Around Soap, SoapArt (post 2), Stephenson, and Empire Rose Soap Company.
Status updates were numerous, and punny. Highlighted here are just a few of the social media postings that came pouring in before, during, and after the conference:
Our best post winner, Denisse Canez, chimed in with:
And best picture winner Kristen Prinzing of Lotion Lady had this to say:
Getting so many new ideas here at the The Handcrafted Soap and Cosmetic Guild conference! Can’t wait to get home and start working on new products. Bath Bombs, liquid soap, natural perfumes, on and on. #soapconf14
In addition to the #soapconf14 hash tag, something new we added to the mix this year was a tagboard to track posts across Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Peruse the tagboard here and keep clicking load more to live vicariously through attendees’ postings!
Pssst, if you’re planning on joining us for #soapconf15 in Indianapolis next April, the lowest registration rates expire at the end of the month (in, oh, say 5 days or so).
What was your favorite post? What did we miss and how do you plan to follow the action next year?