You checked out that book (or bought it on Amazon) and are feeling just a wee bit intimidated. Your cold process batch turned into a volcano post-molding, unintentionally leading to really, really clean countertops and floors. That melt and pour bar turned your skin blue in the shower or made you look like you were reenacting a scene from Psycho. You forgot about that batch of soap waiting to be unmolded and you are now the proud owner of four pounds of soap curds, to put it politely. You have experienced an ice cream bucket-sized soap on a stick. Don’t let this happen to you. Get a little help from some pros and take your soapmaking skills from zero to hero.
When you’re just starting out, it can be difficult to figure out how to get help. If that’s the boat you’re in, we have a few pages on the HSCG website that just might help guide you to shore AND you don’t have to be a member to access them. (Yep, we think our benefits are pretty awesome, but we want every soapmaker to have some good resources.)
Check out the Teachers & Classes section of the website to find both teachers and current class listings. As part of our Certified Soapmaker Program, certified soapmakers can become certified teachers (superhero cape not included). Of course we can’t guarantee your future billionaire-hood after taking these classes, but we think they are a darn good start. While you’re perusing, you have two ways to browse: the Find a local teacher section lets you browse the full listing of teachers by country and state while the Find local classes section lets you browse classes by US state, by country, and by online availability. Each class listing includes a link to more details, including how to book your spot.
No local teachers? There is a full slate of online classes in English and en Español that will take you from beginning to pro soapmaking, along with a healthy dose of business classes.
Think there’s a class missing? Wish there was an in-person class near you? Glad you asked. Leave us some feedback right here. These special requests go straight to the membership. Once a tidal wave of demand rushes out to our members, you may just see a new certified soapmaker teacher or class pop up near you.
Want to get a heads up on upcoming classes? Sign up for our e-mail list right here. Each month we send out the scoop on classes coming up over the next two months and we’d be happy to keep you posted.
How do you like to learn? Any great soap-tastrophes you’re willing to fess up to?