5 Benefits of Certification

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Have you been considering certification with the HSCG? Wondering why one would be certified? Check out what a few of our members have to say about how certification has helped their businesses:


“Certification Badges are a great way to add credibility to your business cards, web site, LinkedIn profile and Facebook page. It gives a professional touch to all your marketing efforts.

Certification shows that you take your work seriously, that you are dedicated to the profession and that you care about the quality and safety of the products you create.

Certification raises you above the crowd at craft shows and fairs. People are more willing to buy from a certified soapmaker than one who isn’t.”

— Sharon C., The Great Lakes Natural Soap Co.

Tami at Grow America

“I am grateful for the certification process available through the HSCG as it helps differentiate me from other soap makers/soap teachers who have not gone through the certification process. Certification demonstrates that I seek to be knowledgeable about my industry enough to seek out and complete certification.”

— Tami T., Beehive Soap and Body Care.


Customers are pleased to see that I am certified and they express how it gives them added confidence in buying from me that my products are safe and of good quality”

— Beth B., Soap and Garden


“We tell almost everyone that we are both Advanced Certified.  It does give them more confidence in buying our products.”

— Lauri I., SACS and Co.


“Here’s a personal story:  My daughter is applying for a seizure alert and behavioral interruption dog for my grandson with special needs. One of the requirements is public awareness through fundraising a portion of the dog’s expense. All fundraisers must be approved through the association and their guidelines are very stringent. In applying for fundraising through selling gift sets of our handcrafted soap, being an advanced certified soapmaking member of the HSCG with liability insurance gave us the credentials we needed to get our foot in the door.”

— Jackie T.

From getting your foot in the door to impressing the pants off your customers, sounds pretty good, right? Log in and learn more about certification, plan to be certified at the 2014 Annual Conference, or arrange a proctored or group exam. Certified members, log in and retrieve your Certified Soapmaker badge.

How has certification helped your business?

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