Member Spotlight: Fish Princess Farm

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In shops spanning California’s central coastline, from Sausalito to Carmel, you’ll find soap and lotion from a company named Fish Princess Farm. Who on earth would name their company Fish Princess Farm? And how does a company with such a silly name have such beautiful packaging? We knew there was a story here and so, off we went to search it out.


We found ourselves on a hillside overlooking Monterey Bay, near a herd of swiss alpine goats happily grazing, oblivious to the gorgeous view they possess. It’s those goats, or more specifically, their milk, that is responsible for Fish Princess Farm. After consuming her weight in milk, cheese, and putting it to use in the occasional goat milk paint, farmer Jeannie Wholey knew her goats’ milk needed a new outlet and wisely turned to soap.


After perfecting and expanding their goat milk soap line to 24 perfumed varieties (that goat milk just kept coming!), Fish Princess Farm expanded into lotions, milk baths, shea butter creams, sea salt scrubs, linen spritz, and more, all with a big dose of goat milk. Local inspiration extends beyond the use of goat milk and seaside inspired ingredients. Owner Jeannie explains, “We also source a local Estate Grown Organic Olive oil to really give our product a superior quality and local flavor.” Aside from the obvious popularity of their soaps, customers rave about the lotions. “Our recipe includes a generous helping of Shea Butter and Pomegranate Oil for a super-rich hydrating experience. Once customers try, they buy!”


If you’re on the west coast, arrange a tour and pick up your order from the farm stand. Find out what’s happening at the farm, from radicchio to lotion, on the Fish Princes Farm Facebook page. Follow lifestyle pins on Pinterest. Visit the website to find product in stores, or purchase online through Open Sky and Etsy. And if you have a special order, just ask! “Our work is guaranteed,” Jeannie shares. “No questions asked. We also LOVE doing custom orders for brides and favor and gift baskets for corporate events.”

Oh, and the inspiration behind the name? Not only is the farm is close proximity to the Pacific Ocean, Jeannie loves both fish and fishing enough to have personally earned the ‘Fish Princess’ moniker – mystery solved!

Thanks, Fish Princess Farm, for showing us the inspiration behind your line. Here’s wishing you all the goat milk you can handle!

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