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David Fisher-About.com and HSMG Social Media Director-Maria Gelnett

David Fisher had been making soap for about 5 years when he started a family and had some major surgery in 2004.  Re-evaluating life, he decided he would change some things and follow his dream of being a writer.

Simultaneosly, About.com awarded him the contract to write about soapmaking and candlemaking.  There are 750 guides to different topics in general however David’s specialty is soap and candles.  Many HSMG members were inspired by David’s writings about liquid, cold process and melt and pour soapmaking.

His topics are geared for a beginner audience so his goal is to help you to get started by giving the basics and keeping them up to date.  He constantly refreshes his writings as his experience and knowledge grows.  Good reason to visit the site often to get updates.  www.candleandsoap.about.com

David gets email questions from all over the world since soapmaking is indigenous to many countries.

We are honored to have David with us at the HSMG Denver Conference, and he is excited to meet, learn and network with HSMG speakers, Board of Directors and members.

2 Comments on “About.com”

  1. I’m a subscriber to his site and have always found it informative. Nice to read a little about his background here. He does a great job!

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